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I have a question will there be a sequel to Becumming 9?

wish this series would b continued. was a great series to buy and read through


looks amazing


I really love your work. I can not afford to buy the whole series all at once. But I am intending to buy them all one at a tie as funds allow. I have purchased 2and 3 so far. I was wondering if you will be putting any of your other work on this site? Or somewhere else I can buy them from? I know you have a patreon. I assume you would prefer people use that. But while I do like supporting artists, I prefer to buy things rather than pay subscriptions. Also I specifically dislike patreon.

But regardless. Keep up the awesome work. I hope I can look forward to seeing more from you in the future.


I ain't a furry... But these goddamn designs are doin' it.


I was unaware this was a series. If you want to know how I didn't know it was a seried when it clearly has a number: Super Mario 64, Love Potion #9 [song], Wonderful 101, Fantastic 4, Mighty #9, etcetera. A number in the title does not always mean it is a serial item.

It's a really good story from what I see in #8, so I plan to save up and buy… #2 to #7, I guess… I don't see the first one on your creator page…

It'll be a while, though… funds are a bit stressed currently, and the pandemic has bottlenecked income.

I already have #8 now, but a permanent bundle that you add each Becumming to as you release them is something I would definitely consider purchasing.


You know what, sure! Let's test this out, see if bundles on work well. Here's a bundle with all the comics for 20% off

It expires after August, since this is just a test run

I see, wish I saw this sooner, as I don't think I can afford it at this moment…
Does this include Becumming #1?
I can't seem to find that one.

Ignore my question about including #1, apparently I can't read link text…

Is it doing well…?

A lover wants to help me get it… but it doesn't look like we'll have enough by the end of August…

So I'm hoping it's doing well enough to become a permanent bundle, or maybe get extended at least.

In any case, stay awesome.

Would like to get #1… Will it come to itch…?


Hi dude. You are a great artist, you can be envious of your skills only from the bottom of my heart. I know that it takes a lot of time and you were asked to love and maybe you won’t want to answer. But are you going to release part 9 and if so? Have you finished or where has stopped?And also this chapter was the best as usually.

Yeah I plan to do future parts, but my next TF comic won't be becumming. I want to try some different scenarios first. I have no idea on ETA, tbh I wanted it done a month ago

I just sent you those thanks!

Deleted 2 years ago
(3 edits)

Sorry I didn't realize people were buying the comic who weren't following my TF galleries. Email a receipt to and I'll send you a new copy.

i bought your older comics via the ejunkies platform and when i go to get them redownloadee it says the url is not around anymore. I have the 5th and 3rd becumming and i may have others. I cannot remember but i have the reciepts and have not downloaded them 9 times. Please help


Email me either with a receipt or an email I can check against purchase records and I'll send replacements.

I just bought and I havent recived an email from itch. When should I expect the files?

I hope you saw the other comments and DM'd me or emailed me for help. glitches like this sometimes and I have to send it directly.

Any chance of releasing this onto steam?

A fetish comic?? Seems unusual.

I guess steam's open to porn now. I sure don't like that they take a third of the revenue, but perhaps it could reach more people... Or just weird out a lot of casuals.


steam is more accessible than itch io with its fast and easy payment will attract more fans since there is very little tf content in steam

I keep trying to buy it but it keeps declining my card even though I have the funds on it.

Yeah stripe says your bank is denying it. Maybe try paypal or phone your bank etc.

Sent you an email with the Transaction ID, may I have the link emailed please?

Responded, mb that it took a day.

I bought it but never received a download link 

Private message me somewhere with proof of payment and I'll send a download link.


Purchased just now, but unable to find download. does this sometimes. Private message me somewhere with proof of payment and I'll send a download; email, deviantart notes, etc etc.